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Pima County ECAP


“Year after year, Pima County employees have demonstrated that they love their community and want to see it improve and thrive. Through the Employees Care About Pima County charitable campaign, our wonderful employees turn that love into action, helping dozens of nonprofit agencies make a difference in the lives of countless people. I once again encourage Pima County employees to give generously. Every donation will make our community a better place to live.”

-Jan Lesher

The 55th Annual ECAP Campaign kicks-off September 26th.

Over 235 agencies work together with your support to help our community.  Every dollar stays in Pima County and helps thousands of children, seniors and families in need. Through Ending Poverty Now, Pima County and United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona we are partnering with community organizations to help break the cycle of poverty so families can get ahead instead of just "getting by".  Together we are building a community network of agencies, which supports people in poverty to examine their lives in new ways, build resources and community connections for greater stability, and consider ways they can make a difference. Click Here for more information.


About United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona

United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona transforms individual lives and brings long-lasting, systemic change to our community by focusing on the key, underlying issues.

We fight for quality education, financial stability and healthy communities for every person in Tucson and Southern Arizona. Our role as community convener enables us to form strategic partnerships, mobilize the best resources and be the catalyst for needed, positive change.

Every $1 invested in United Way’s Community Impact Fund leverages a $5 impact for Tucson and Southern Arizona.

United Way’s Community Impact Fund supports over 420,000 residents of Tucson and Southern Arizona from Birth to End-of-Life.

Building a thriving community by uniting people, ideas and resources.

A community where every child receives a high-quality education from cradle to career, every adult has the opportunity to thrive financially and in the workplace and every older person can retire and age with dignity and independence.

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